Our story

Hi! I’m Crystal Tillory at Tillory Farms. We are a small family farm and homestead, established in 2020. I was born and raised in the San Diego suburbs and am a huge animal lover! My three city pups are my fur-children! My extended family was born & raised on farms in Virginia and Tennessee, and I would go visit the farms when I was young. My grandfather brought his farming skills to San Diego and was known throughout the city for his multitude of delicious homegrown tomatoes! I learned much of my gardening from my grandfather. It has always been my dream to be self-sufficient and live off my own land and raise my own animals. Like a lot of people during the pandemic in 2020, I started out with backyard chickens and growing fruits and vegetables in my small backyard on my  tiny 1/4 acre city home. I fell madly in love with my laying hens and began selling farm fresh eggs and homemade bread to family, friends, and neighbors. A tiny suburban homestead was born.

My love for homesteading fueled my dream to move out east and purchase more land. I worked up the courage and finally made the move in May, 2021 to the small rural city of Campo, CA, an hour east of the city of San Diego. I didn't know a single person in town and was an hour away from my family and friends. I quickly began to expand my “farm-ily” with ducks, a rooster, and more laying hens, as I established my roots. A few months later, I added dairy goats and pigs. Three years later, I now have sheep, goats, pigs, chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, guinea fowl, pheasants, peacocks, tortoises, a donkey, a horse, cats, and five dogs!

Most of my animals are pets; however, some of my animals are raised for food. I have always eaten meat and I decided it is much more ethical and better for the animal, the environment, and my health to raise my own animals to feed my family. All of my animals are treated with so much love and respect, and are well-cared for as they live happy, healthy lives. Even the ones that provide food for my family!

With many requests from co-workers, friends, and acquaintances to come see the animals, I began Farm Tours in May, 2022. The public is now welcome to come tour the farm, play with & feed the animals, and enjoy the fresh countryside air in beautiful Campo, CA.

I sell Farm Fresh, pastured duck and chicken eggs, small batch/handmade lotion and soaps made with fresh milk from our Nubian Goats, fresh bread, cajeta, organic poultry, and more!

 In late 2022, I began offering fresh poultry! The public may purchase fresh chicken, duck, and turkey. All of my meat is 100% All-Natural, homegrown, organically raised and fed, antibiotic/hormone/chemical free, and ethically raised. Poultry is raised, processed, and packaged – all here on the farm. Fresh Farm to Table food has never been so attainable!

I strive to be at least 80% self sustainable, living off of my land, growing my own produce, raising my own meat, dairy from the goats, making my own skin care products, and striving to leave less of a carbon footprint.