Meet our Farm-ily


We have 2 Nubian does: Marge and Peaches, whom we hand-milk daily. Our Nubian girls provide us with about a gallon of fresh milk daily, which we use for drinking, cooking, making fresh cajeta (caramel) and goat cheese, goats milk lotions & soaps, and feeding the other animals. The dogs & pigs LOVE fresh goat milk! We also have a Nubian whether, Peaches’ baby, who was born on the farm and whom we hand-delivered. Little Elmer was born March 4, 2022 and was named after our great-uncle on the farm in Virginia. Hand-delivering little Elmer was such a joyous, heart warming, amazing experience that we will never forget! He was also our first animal baby born on the farm. We have recently added a breeding buck, Homer, to the farm-ily. He will breed the ladies and keep the farm full of lots of little nubian babies!

We have one Nigerian Dwarf whether, JonJon, who was born the day after one of our best friend’s passing. He is our little angel goat baby. He loves pets and snacks and laying around in the shade. 

Our little Boer, Penelope, came to us from my beautiful friend Chandra. We bottle fed & raised her from 4 weeks old. She is incredibly loving and friendly, and always want to be around Mama (Crystal).

We have one very timid and sweet Angora, Pepper, who loves following mama (Crystal) around everywhere she goes.

Contact us to learn more about our goat meat share program, available at different times throughout the year.


We currently have three American Guinea Hog/Juliana X piglets. We have an ongoing rotation of pigs on the farm because we raise our pigs for meat to feed our family. Our pigs live very happy, beautiful, lives full of love, pets, and lots of fresh fruit/veggies!

We harvest, process, and package all of our own pork and cure our own bacon. Fresh bacon is one of the best things you will ever taste!

Contact us to learn more about our pig meat share program, available at different times throughout the year.


We have three Dorper sheep, Clover and Sir Lambleton, mom and dad to baby Willie (short for Will I Lamb), who was born on the farm in March, 2024.

We also have two bottle baby Dorper/Katahdin X lambs, Bambi & Georgia. All of our lambs and sheep were bottle babies and are VERY friendly, and LOVE pets, snuggles, and belly rubs.

Contact us to learn more about our lamb share program, available at different times throughout the year.

Horses & Donkeys

We have two horses and a mini donkey. Our two horses, Maisey & Gunnar, are very new to the farm-ily and still adjusting to all of the other animals, mama (Crystal), and the daily routine.

Maisey is a one year old filly. She is young and feisty, and we are primarily working on manners and ground work with her right now.

Gunnar is an eleven year old gelding, whom we rescued in May, 2024. He was malnourished and skinny, and we are working on getting him back up to a healthy weight before getting him back on the trail.

Bartholomule is our adorable mini donkey. He is very bonded with Maisey, and will not leave her side. Bart loves carrots and apples and loves to be pet and snuggled!


We currently have 10 turkeys: Bronze and Broad Breasted Whites. All of our turkeys are being raised for meat. Our turkeys get to free range the farm daily, eating bugs, grass and fresh vegetables. They are beautiful and friendly turkeys, and enjoy scratching around hunting for bugs. 

Our turkeys are available for pre-order for 2024 Thanksgiving and Christmas. Our Farm Fresh turkeys are all-natural, antibiotic and hormone free, and are ethically and organically fed and raised.

Pre-order Thanksgiving and Christmas Turkeys before they sell out.


We have over 40 laying hens who lay beautiful brown, white, and blue fresh eggs daily. We gather about a dozen eggs daily in spring and summer months and about half dozen eggs daily in the fall and winter months. Our chickens free range daily and enjoy scratching around the farm for bugs and grass, dust bathing, and soaking up vitamin D from the sun daily. Farm fresh eggs have a large vibrant yellow egg yolk, due to the vitamins and nutrients the hens consume, passing on nutrient rich eggs to you! 

Studies have shown the following nutritional benefits of farm fresh eggs:

  • less saturated fat

  • less cholesterol

  • increased vitamins A, E, D

  • more beta carotene

  • more omega-3 fatty acids

 Omega-3 fatty acids help keep our body’s functioning normally and help prevent many chronic diseases.  

Why do farm fresh eggs have more fatty acids? Our chickens eat bugs, leafy greens, fresh fruits, veggies, and flowers—ingredients all lacking in the diet of caged hens.

Most industrial egg farms keep chickens in small cages for life. The hens never leave their tiny cage and barely have room to turn around, let alone be outside and act like a normal chicken. Even commercial eggs you find that are labeled “cage-free” are usually produced in a warehouse with hundreds of chickens crammed together and little natural light, room to move around, or fresh feed.

 Chickens are much healthier when able to forage for themselves and participate in normal chicken activities, such as dust bathing, scratching around in the dirt for bugs, and nightly roosting. 

Our eggs are also much fresher, thus being much better tasting and also having a much longer shelf life! Supermarket eggs take several days to reach the store. Then, they can sit on the shelf as long as 30 days before they’re sold. The USDA recommends eating refrigerated eggs within 5 weeks, so a supermarket egg might have only a week of optimum freshness after purchase. Most people can easily taste the difference between farm fresh eggs and eggs from a grocery store that are several weeks old.

Farm fresh eggs can also sit out on the counter at room temperature for several weeks. When a hen lays an egg, it is covered with a protective “bloom” which allows the egg to sit at room temperature if not washed. Once farm fresh eggs are washed, they must be refrigerated, as the protective bloom will have been washed away.

Farm fresh pasture raised eggs available year round.

Pre-order chickens for Fall 2024 before they sell out.

We raise our own Cornish X chickens for meat several times a year. Cornish X chickens are bred for meat, and grow out from newborn chick to full grown, table ready, chicken in just 8 weeks. We raise, process, and package all of our own chicken, right here on the farm.

Once you taste farm fresh chicken, you will never go back to grocery store chicken.

There is no comparison in taste!

Ducks & Geese

We have over 25 ducks and geese. Our ducks are sweet and friendly and waddle around the farm daily, eating fresh grass and bugs. They are trained to follow us right back into their safe pen every night at feeding time. You should see the evening feeding routine. It is hilarious to watch 25+ ducks waddling after mama (Crystal) back into the pen and scarf down dinner!

Our ducks lay large fresh eggs daily. Duck eggs are larger and richer than chicken eggs, with a large, delicious, yolk. Duck eggs are amazing for baking, and delicious on their own! If you have never eaten a duck egg, they are a MUST try!

Farm fresh duck eggs available year round

Dogs & Cats

We have 3 pups we brought with us to the farm from the city: Yogi, Trixie, and Kaine. They are spoiled city pups and spend a majority of their time inside our home on their comfortable plush beds! Our pampered pooches are our fur-children and we have spoiled them rotten since we can't have children of our own. They have filled our hearts with so much love, laughter, and joy! They really are our "children!"

We have two outdoor, LGD’s (livestock guardian dogs), Brutus and Benny. Brutus is a Bermese Mountain dog mix and Benny is a Great Pyrenees/Anatolian. They are very bonded with our sheep and goats, and will protect them with their lives. Brutus and Benny are always the stars of the show when we have visitors. They are playful and friendly, and will do ANYHTING for love, affection, hugs, snuggles, and kisses!

We also have one very spoiled indoor kitty, Roscoe, who thinks he is part of the pack of dogs. He plays rough and wrestles with Trixie and loves to bat around play mice and stuffed toys. We affectionately call him Cat-Dog, since he thinks he is one of the pups and doesn't really know how to be a cat.

Outdoors we have three barn cats, Mischief, Mayham, and Beastie, who patrol the farm hunting for rodents. They love pets and butt scratches, and they love standing at the doors on our porches meowing for attention, and tormenting our dogs!

Bunnies, Tortoises & More!

We have 3 Holland Lop buns, who give us the most beautiful baby bunnies! Oliver, Gizmo, and Gidget are our adorable, fluffy, pet bunnies. They love to be snuggled and love eating fresh fruits and veggies, straight from our garden. We have had two litters of beautiful kits (baby buns), all of whom have gone to wonderful fur-ever homes!

We also have two 80+ year old Seneca tortoises, Myrtle & Cletus. They roam around the farm eating fresh grass, fruits, and veggies. Myrtle has dug herself a tunnel 10 feet deep into the ground to keep herself cool in the summer. She comes out early in the morning to roam around and eat, and puts herself to sleep at dusk- right back into her cave. Cletus is a bit older and doesn’t have so much energy. He sleeps in the shade of a large bush, ventures out to eat for a bit, goes back to nap under his bush, and repeats. Ahhh… the life of a tortoise…

We also have 25 pheasants, four peacocks, and several guinea fowl that roam the farm and help us keep the spiders and other bugs and pests at bay!